In the vibrant city of Sao Paulo, Thiago Souza is a man on a mission, a man who is making history in the world of American football. As he emerges from the barricades, a sense of excitement fills the air.
A long line of fans spirals through the Ibirapuera mall, eagerly waiting to witness a momentous occasion. Souza, often referred to as “Curitiba,” stands out in the crowd with his giant backpack, glasses, and full Green Bay gear – complete with a Jordan Love jersey, Packers hoodie, and hat. With determination in his eyes, he confidently pulls out his credit card and points to a seating map, proclaiming, “There. The first-ever ticket for an NFL game in South America.”
While some may argue that this may not be the first ticket ever sold, the significance of this moment cannot be understated. Souza, a 36-year-old movie theater manager from Curitiba, had initially purchased tickets to an Anavitória concert for Dia Dos Namorados, Brazil’s Valentine’s Day. However, upon his wife’s urging, he sold those tickets and embarked on a journey to Sao Paulo in search of NFL tickets.
Despite setbacks and long hours of waiting, Souza’s perseverance paid off. As the sun sets and rises once again, he secures four tickets behind the goalpost, spending a hefty sum of 4,305 Brazilian reais, roughly equivalent to three times Brazil’s monthly minimum wage.
The excitement surrounding the NFL’s venture into South America is palpable. Gustavo Pires, the president of Sao Paulo tourism, had foreseen this mass hysteria. When questioned about the potential success of the event, Pires confidently expressed his belief in the city’s ability to sell out a massive stadium. The allure of witnessing such enigmas up close has drawn in a multitude of new clients, as evidenced by the impressive pre-sale numbers.
As The Athletic delves into the football landscape of Sao Paulo, questions arise about what success in this venture truly means. How much interest will remain once the novelty of the NFL’s presence wears off? These are the ponderings that swirl around as excitement builds for the upcoming game.
And amidst it all, the vibrant chant of “Ha-ha! Hoo-hoo! Estamos nas finais!” echoes through the streets, a testament to the sheer joy and enthusiasm surrounding this historic moment in American football on South American soil.